Speaker Calendar

Adam at www.dreamhealer.com

Adam is mentioned first because he inspired Mary to create the radio show ~ Mary is ‘the Mary’ in Adam’s first DreamHealer book ~ and Mary’s journey began with Speakers From The Heart and the Trent Radio show in 2007. Adam’s goodness and passion about helping other people are qualities that make him a stellar example of how every single person should embrace life on Earth. Thank YOU Adam Dreamhealer!

Adam DreamHealer at www.DreamHealer.com
author of DreamHealer: A True Story of Miracle Healing

The calendar will be posted in 2012 when 12 of our featured speakers have committed to video vignettes on this site ~ for now, enjoy past speakers including:

Bearcloud at www.StarNationGallery.com
author of 7 Fires and world renowned artist www.Bearcloud.com

Lisa Robbins at www.TheGoodWitch.ca
author of The Cancer Journal at www.TheCancerJournal.ca

Madeleine Marentette at www.GrailSprings.com
owner of body, mind & spirit retreat and spa
Grail Springs and author of Grail Springs Holistic Detox for Body, Mind & Spirit, Bestseller

KahunaHarryUhaneJim at www.harryjimlomilomi
Kahuna, healer, teacher and author of Wise Secrets of Aloha. He was born and raised on Kauai, Hawaii and shares his wisdom there.

James McShane
Author of The Shadow on Our Soul

Krow Fischer of www.HereOnEarth.ca

Special thanks to Skye Walsh and Dan Walsh
Skye specializes in amazing pastel portraits and Dan specializes in caricature arts.
Mary counts herself lucky to have these two human angels as friends! Skye Walsh actually led Mary to the phrase ‘Speakers From The Heart’ when first told of the business and Dan Walsh perfected the logo! Thank You God & Goddess for friends like these…and others like…
Will I Am Schive at www.GoodWorksOnEarth.org
Isha Lerner at www.IshaLerner.com
Jeff Brown at www.SoulShaping.com
Cora Whittington at www.GoldenPathways.ca
Tracy Cosburn at www.KyotoCoffee.ca

History of Mary’s Moments

First airing on Trent Radio in the Summer of ’07 on 92.7 FM, Mary’s Moments is streamlined onto the internet at www.TrentRadio.ca. Mary McGillis was so inspired by Adam DreamHealer and his message of love that she decided to start a show to share his vision with the world. Naturally, she met many more awe-inspiring people and has helped, with Trent Radio, to share their passions.