Why Speakers From The Heart? 

Speakers From The Heart features speakers who uplift each other and share ideas to create the greatest vision of the grandest version of our planet and us. Yes, please share your vision and passion on our Spaces or just come listen to great conversations.

After years of sharing passionate people on Trent radio, the internet, and at live events, Speakers From The Heart hosts Spaces at x.com to continue introducing passionate people to each other and the world.

Everything we do to help ourselves helps every single person on the planet. 

 Sign up for the newsletter to read about the original Speakers From The Heart who continue to inspire AND to become a part of our Spaces!

Immediately receive a free gift of the eBook Thank Our Lucky Stones and when published, you will automatically receive the eBook The One-Third Formula: The Key to a Joyful Life. 


The One-Third Formula: The Key to a Joyful Life


The One-Third Formula: The Key to a Joyful Life

One-Third Rest, One-Third Work, One-Third Play – The Key to a Joyful Life

One Third

One Third

One Third

The promise of the book: when you adapt the One-Third Formula to your life, as only you can, you will laugh more. A lot more.



9th wave